Our Mission
We believe that God wants the world to live in healing, love and wholeness. That is why God sent God’s son, Jesus, to live among us and bring divine love to the world. Jesus lived, died, and was resurrected for each one of us and in him we are reconciled to God.
The Holy Spirit inspires the church with God’s continuing mission of peace, joy and love. We believe the Holy Spirit brings healing, strength and vision; that God inspires each one of us to use our unique gifts and talents to follow Christ and serve our neighbors as only we can; and that we experience true fulfillment and fullness of life as Christ helps us grow through loving service and worship.
Our MISSION is to transform lives through the love of God in Jesus Christ. Our purpose is:
Worship We WORSHIP together in a way that connects with people’s lives and gives them a sense of spiritual connection with God;
Evangelism We reach our community with the good news of Jesus Christ through active invitation and servant EVANGELISM;
Education We TEACH the Christian and Episcopal traditions and scriptures to children, youth and adults through enriching education programs;
Fellowship We bring people into deeper FELLOWSHIP with each other through active hospitality, newcomer welcoming orientation, and pastoral care;
Outreach We REACH OUT IN SERVICE to our community and beyond.