Adult Christian Education
Nativity offers a number of opportunities to deepen your faith through adult Christian education on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and other times.
Power Bible Study with Dr. Wayne
A powerful Sunday 40-minute study based on the appointed lectionary readings. The Rev. Wayne V Whitney, PhD leads this lively conversation at 11:20 am Sundays. Click the image above for the online link.
Tuesday Centering Prayer
Gather for Centering Prayer, followed by conversation on a spiritual book, in-person or on Zoom Tuesday mornings, 10-11:30 am. Contact Bill Bailey for a Zoom invitation. The group breaks for the summer and resumes after Labor Day.
Bible Study Wednesday with Dr. Wayne
Wednesday Bible Study resumes after Labor Day 2022. For more information email Dr. Wayne here.
Episcopal 101 Class
This course is lead by the Rev. Scot McComas once a year for anyone wanting to learn more about the Episcopal tradition. To learn more, email Father Scot at