Serve and Serving Others

At Nativity, we encourage you to get involved.

We have many ministries that help those outside the church, from feeding the hungry to building houses for the poor to doing mission work with barrio children in Mexico.  We have many ministries within the church community too, in all our ministry areas:  worship, music, teaching, hospitality, greeting, and so on.  This section contains information about some of our ministries of service to others.

If you are interested in being a part of the prayer team or Lay Eucharistic Ministers who visit the homebound, please contact The Rev. Deacon Martha Durham.

If you would like to get involved in leading or participating in a ministry, please contact our Coordinator of Lay Ministries, Jennie Dobbins.

If you are interested in ministries of service to those in need, please contact our Coordinator of Outreach Ministries, Paul Rank.

If you are interested in ministries within the worship service, please contact our Associate Rector, The Rev. Wayne Whitney.

If you are interested in music ministries, please contact our Music Director, Juliana Witt.

If you are interested in children’s and youth ministries, please contact our Director of Children’s, Youth and Family Ministries, Mandy Hodges.

Nativity Outreach Programs

“To inspire and equip every member of Nativity to participate in ministries that touch those in need”

We are blessed to be able to help many different organizations in our community and internationally – truly watching lives being transformed with the love of Jesus Christ. For information about any of these ministries, please contact our Ministry Leader for Outreach, Paul Rank or the specific ministry leaders listed belo


Our sister church in Navajoland is St. Mary’s of the Moonlight in Utah.  Through the years parishioners have gone on mission trips to help repair and rebuild the church and parishioners’ homes. We have also helped to underwrite SHIMA’ of Navajoland which is an effort by the Navajo to increase their self-reliance. Ministry Leaders:  Barbara and Bill Worthington.

Barrio La Laguna

In the poverty-stricken barrio of Veracruz, Mexico, is an Episcopal church, Santa Maria Magdalena, our sister and companion church.  They have a special mission to the children of the barrio.  They feed, provide medical care, and educate many children every day, giving them a start in life, hope for the future, and much-needed academic and vocational training.  We partnered with them to do mission trips to help build their new Community Center, the home for the church and school, and to hold events to raise money for their great ministries.  Ministry Leaders:  Claire Smith and Sarah Dobbins Banks.

Habitat for Humanity

Nativity participates in the Episcopal Coalition for Habitat.  In partnership with other Episcopal churches in the Valley, we build houses for families who have inadequate shelter. Ministry Leaders:  Cotty and Andrea Peabody.

Teen Mission Weeks

Each summer, our youth group does a week of mission work.  Generally, this week takes the form of a day camp, with the kids going out each day to do a service project in the Phoenix area.  They also usually do a one or two-night overnight trip to a service project in Arizona, outside of the Phoenix area.  Ministry Leader:  Mandy Hodges

Nativity Blood Drives

Nativity parishioners have two opportunities per year to give the gift of life through the bloodmobile that comes to the church on a Sunday morning.

Phoenix Rescue Mission

Throughout the year, parishioners meet on the first Tuesday of each month to make bagged lunches for the homeless. We also help sponsor the Memorial Day barbecue, provide socks, collect gifts for children as well as their parents for Christmas and organize an Easter Egg Hunt. Ministry Leaders:  Barbara and Bill Worthington and Janyce Schneider

Homeward Bound

An annual diaper drive provides thousands of diapers for this domestic violence shelter for women and children. Ministry Leader: Bob Christopher.

Foothills Caring Corps.

Several Nativity parishioners participate in this community organization that drives elders to appointments, delivers Meals on Wheels, and other important services to shut-ins in our area. Ministry Leaders:  Barbara and Bill Worthington.

Packages from Home
Nativity collects personal and entertainment items, and packs boxes with items to be sent to troops overseas. Ministry Leaders:  Barbara and Bill Worthington.
CASA Academy food-packs

CASA Academy is a charter elementary school serving some of the poorest students in Phoenix, but it distinguishes itself by providing rigorous instruction to ensure that all scholars are above grade-level at the end of each year no matter what their background.Almost all the students participate in the school lunch program. For the students who are deemed to come from food insecure homes, Nativity provides weekend food. Nativity Ministry Leader: Laura Murray Dobbins

Our local congregational partner Iglasia Santa Maria
We partner with Santa Maria parishioners in distributing food through the Saint Mary’s Foodbank. We have made painted crosses for their youth to celebrate their First Communion and Anglican Prayer beads for their confirmands. We have provided sponsorships for their youth to attend our diocesan camp. They have taught us to make tamales. Ministry Leader: Paul Rank
El Hogar Projects

An Episcopal ministry in the Diocese of Honduras. About 250 desperately poor Honduran youth find a loving home and an excellent education. We sponsor second grader Eddson Daniel Gutierrez Rodriguez. Ministry Leader: Paul Rank

American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ

AFEDJ supports the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. It has a presence in five countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordon, Palestine, and Israel. Our contribution supports schools, churches and healthcare facilities.

Ministry Leader: Cotty Peabody

Our Source of Outreach Funding

The primary source of funding for our outreach efforts is the ADVENTure Gala. Held at the beginning of Advent, it not only is a successful fundraiser, but an outstanding social gathering for the Nativity community.