Nativity Scholarship Fund
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity has a scholarship fund to assist a parishioner with high educational expenses. We are inviting interested parishioners who will be attending post-secondary education in the fall to apply for a scholarship. Candidates may be either graduating high school students or students already in college or university. People considering or already enrolled in trade schools will also be considered.
Candidates interested in applying for a scholarship will need to complete a scholarship application form which can be picked up in the parish office. They will need to supply their personal information, extra-curricula activities and any community service or other relevant information. A reference from a school official will need to be submitted along with a certified copy of grades and evidence of admission to a post-secondary educational institution. Candidates should also submit an essay detailing career goals, personal history, the institution in which the candidate will be enrolled, and the proposed course of study. All this information is on the application form.
The Scholarship Committee would like to encourage parishioners to donate to the fund. As the fund grows, there will be opportunity to assist more parishioners with their educational expenses. In an era when college and university tuition is becoming an astronomical expense, Nativity will be able to assist parishioners with at least some portion of their costs. This is an investment in the future as well as an investment in our young people.
For prospective applicants, please apply as soon as possible. While there is no set deadline, the Scholarship Committee would like to award a scholarship for the fall term. Applicants will ideally have all their materials into the committee by April 15.
For more information about the scholarship fund, please speak with the Rev. Scot McComas, our Rector.