Serve in the Church
Each week, Nativity counts on the volunteer work of over 25 people to make it run smoothly. There is a place for every sort of talent and gift-set to plug into the church. If any of these ministries sound like a way you’d like to help out, please connect with us!
Acolytes & Readers

During the 10 am service, lay volunteers are needed to help in many ways throughout the worship service. Acolytes carry the candles and the cross in the procession, as well as assist the clergy set the altar for communion. Lectors read from the lectionary and also guide the congregation in the prayers of the people. Lay Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers) help administer the chalice during communion. If you would like to learn more about being an acolyte or lay eucharistic ministry, please contact Fr. Wayne Whitney.
Altar Guild

The Nativity Altar Guild works to prepare the altar for worship services, including baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. The Altar Guild is also responsible for the care of vestments, altar hangings, linens, candles, silver/brass, and flowers. If you’re interested in helping behind the scenes with the Altar Guild, contact Nancy Bleasdale.
Be a Greeter

Church greeters are the warm, wonderful first connection to any Sunday morning service at Nativity. Greeters engage members and visitors alike with a smile and stand ready to help all people find comfort with all the happenings at Nativity. If you love people and want to join our team, please connect with Norma Hyatt.
Healing Ministries

We believe that Christ is the healer; through prayer, we draw closer to God and allow him to heal our bodies, minds, and spirits. At Nativity, we have a variety of healing ministries, from healing prayers at our seasonal Wednesday evening prayer service, to healing prayers offered after communion every week at our 10 am service by lay ministers. If you are interested in serving within our Healing Ministries, please contact Joyce Graves.
Hospitality Hour Team

Each week we hold a Hospitality Hour in Christopher Hall. This is a great time towith friends and enjoy delicious pastries, lemonade, and coffee. We are always looking for new volunteers to help us prepare food, set up the table, and generally help make this a lovely gathering. If you’d like to join the team, contact Dawn Kast.
Office Volunteers

Office Volunteers Wanted! We need people to take two-hour shifts on certain days of the week, as well as people who don’t want a regular shift but are willing to substitute sometimes. It’s easy and fun, and greatly appreciated! If interested, please contact our Parish Administrator, Mina Rafferty.
Usher Ministry

Ushers are a crucial part of our Sunday morning worship services. In addition to being a warm welcome to all, ushers also hand out bulletins, pass the offering plate, and assist those in need during the service. If you’re considering becoming an usher – a role for all ages and walks of life – please connect with Fr. Wayne Whitney.